Constitution & By-Laws

Jim Bailey Sr.
Section 1.

Amending the Constitution and by-laws:

a. The Constitution and By-laws, Tournament Rules and Fish-off may be amended at the regular October meeting by a 2/3 vote of those members present, provided notice of the proposed amendments have been presented to the membership via the September newsletter prior to the October vote. Members that have participated in less than six tournaments will be barred from voting in said year and will not be counted as part of the 2/3 vote.

2010 Change:

Section 1

Amending the Constitution and by-laws:

a. The Constitution and By-laws, Tournament Rules and Fish-off may be amended at the regular October meeting by a 2/3 vote of those members present. Deadline to submit rule changes will be the August meeting and must be posted in the August newsletter prior to the discussion meeting in September. Rule changes will be voted on at the October meeting.
Members that have participated in less than six tournaments will be barred from voting in said year and will not
be counted as part of the 2/3 vote.

Having an August meeting deadline to submit rule changes and having them posted in the August newsletter would give the membership more time to think about the changes and print them out for discussion at the September meeting. It will also give the e-board more time to make sure all proposed changes are in and posted before the September meeting.