Minutes of the Meeting:
The November Pensacola Hawg Hunters meeting was brought to order at 7 P.M. on November 14, 2007 at Founaris Brothers Restaurant. President John Buck presided.
There were 16 members present.
Members Of The Board:
John Buck
Vice President/Treasure
Jere Jaillite
Marc Churchwell
Tournament Director
Dave Dyess
Asst. Tournament Director
Jim Bailey Sr
Old Buisness:
Kevin discussed concerns about holding the awards banquet at La Crema due to no commitment from the owner on the price. As a result the banquet will be at the Cock of the Walk on November 30th at6:30 PM.
More discussion regarding insurance proposals. BASS and BASS Federation. After all information is provided to the "E" board they will look at benefits coverage and costs then present to the club with potential start up in January '08.
Charlie Cetti remarked that it doesn't cover excess of boat owner insurance but does provide coverage for officer and "E" board. John Buck replied that we are looking for an umbrella for all members. Charlie stated he would like to read the policy
Mack commented that he had asked for the policy and that was when the "hem hawing" started regarding the specifics of the policy and how to get a copy of one was not clear.
Lee Brannon reminded members that if there gear needs replacing
such as a leaking weigh in bag, then replace it so as not to jeopardize the fish while waiting to weigh in.