Jere Jaillite
Current 2007 Rule

RULE # 3

3. Normally there will be one monthly club tournament. The Tournament Director will have the authority to reschedule or delay the tournament due to emergencies, severe weather, etc. The future of the rescheduled tournament will be decided at a special club meeting or the next regularly scheduled meeting.

a. Summer season tournaments shall have a weigh in time of 2:00p.m. for the months of June, July and August. All two day tournaments will have a weigh in at 1:00p.m. on the second day.

Proposed Change:

RULE # 3

Add 3.b.

3.b. During the summer tournaments for the 2008 fishing season, the e-board will have the authority to change the tournament hours for June, July, and August to evening tournaments starting not earlier than 3:00 P.M. and ending not later than 8:00 P.M. The e-board may elect to change the hours of one or more of the summer tournaments and those that are not changed will have the normal safe hours of daylight to 2:00 P.M.. The change to evening tournaments must be decided on and included in the new annual schedule presented at the November meeting and in the November newsletter. This authority is given on a trial basis for the 2008 season only and must be added to the tournament rules to be continued beyond the 2008 season.


It's damn hot out there during the summer months and this will allow us to fish the cooler evening hours.