Offical Newsletter
Pensacola Hawg Hunters

Proposed 2007
Constitution, Tournament & Fish Off
Rule Changes

Dave Dyess
ARTICLE II Membership

Change Section f. to read:

The offical shirt with club logo will be ordered throught he club Secretary.

Ken Repine
"2006 Rule"
ARTICLE II Membership:
Section 1. Membership Requirements
Requirements for active membership, to become an active member, a person shall:

a. Express an interest in membership.
b. Fish one club tournament as a guest.
c. Be voted on by membership at the next meeting, with guest not present.Vote shall be secret ballot; affirmation by majority vote.
d. Be at least 21 years of age.
e. Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of all dues including hat and shirt.
f. The official shirt will be a Khaki shirt with club logo.
g. Potential members must be nominated by a member in good standing and complete a member information sheet prior to fishing his guest tournament.

"Proposed 2007 Change"
ARTICLE II Membership
Section 1. Membership Requirements
Requirements for active membership, to become an active member, a person shall:

Be at least 21 years of age.
b. Express an interest in membership.
c.. Fish one club tournament as a guest.
d. Be voted on by membership at the next meeting, with guest not present.Vote shall be secret ballot; affirmation by majority vote.
e. Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of all dues including hat and shirt.
f. The official shirt will be a Khaki shirt with club logo.
g. Potential members must be nominated by a member in good standingand complete a member information sheet prior to fishing his guest tournament.



So as to be more in line with the correct sequence of consideration for membership in the Hawg Hunters Bass Club.

Mack Cramer
Proposed 2007 Rule Change

Current rule reads
Section 1. Membership Requirements.
Requirements for active membership, to become an active member, a person shall:

a. Express an interest in membership.
b. Fish one club tournament as a guest.
c. Be voted on by membership at the next meeting, with guest not present.
Vote shall be secret ballot; affirmation by majority vote.
d. Be at least 21 years of age.
e. Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of all dues including hat and shirt.
f. The official shirt will be a Khaki shirt with club logo.
g. Potential members must be nominated by a member in good standing
and complete a member information

Proposed 2007 Change:
Exclude from paragraph E. including hat and shirt.

Paragraph E to Read. Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of dues. New member's opting to purchase a club hat and shirt may do so so through the club.

Proposed Constitution Change
Proposed by Ken Repine

Section 2. Removal from membership:
a. A member may be removed from membership for failure to meet membership requirements of paying dues in October and participation as described in (b.)

Proposed addition:
b. A member shall be moved from active membership to inactive membership for failure to meet membership requirements involving participation set forth in (b), below,but has paid required dues ( $ 40.00 )

The following are active membership requirements:
a. Membership dues paid by October.
b. Members must attend 1 club function (meeting or tournament) per quarter.
A quarter is defined as 3 consecutive months. Anyone failing to attend a club function for 3 consecutive months shall be removed from active membership and placed in the inactive membership with lost of voting privileges.
c. An inactive member can be restored to active membership with the attending of a club function. The tournament following will be fished as a non boater, however they will be eligible for all points that an active member is eligible for. ( hat& shirt tournament points, fishing points and big fish ). Once active membership is re-instated they will once again have their voting rights restored.

The lack of any requirement other than paying the $ 40.00 dues has resulted in much less participation which is evident in the average of members fishing each tournament. It has gone from and average of 11 boats (22) fishing each tournament down to 9 boats (18 members). This may sound slight, but remember I said average. The last tournament only drew 8 boats at a fishing sight that normally draws 11-12 boats. This was also evident in a low attendance of 13 of 31 members at the March meeting.
This can be directly contributed to the lack of membership requirement other than paid up dues (my opinion)

Section 3. Inactive Membership:

a. Inactive membership may ( shall ) be awarded to any active member who have paid active membership dues, but have failed to comply with the attendance of one club function in 3 consecutive months ( in good standing ) and /or who expresses interest in becoming an inactive member. If the members dues are paid through October the inactive dues will be waived until that time. Otherwise inactive dues are payable in October.

Proposed by Ken Repine
Section 4. Dues

a. Dues are due and payable at the October meeting for the following year.
Any member that hasn't paid his dues by the November meeting will be removed from membership
and must re-apply and fish a guest tournament.
b. Active Member Dues: $40.00 per year.
c. Inactive Membership: $20.00 per year. ( $ 40.00 )
d. Dues are prorated on a quarterly basis for joining members.
e. Dues for Fisherman of the Year will be paid by the club.
f. Secretary dues will be paid by the club.

So the dues is consistent. Should an inactive member be able to become an active member ( by meeting the active membership requirements )
without having to pay an additional $ 20.00 ( or prorated amount ).

Should an active member choose to become and inactive member or an active member be placed inactive due to not being able to meet the membership requirement as prescribed in Section 2.

Change in Terms
Proposed by Ken Repine

I propose that we change the name of fishermen of the year to Angler of the year. To be more in line with the terminology used when referring to Bass Fishing

Ato improve our skills as Bass Anglers through fellowship of friendly exchange of bass catching techniques and ideas, and to promote and encourage youth fishing and a love for this great recreation.
This is from the Hawg Hunters constitution. I think it supports this view Areas that would be effected by this change:


Section 4. Dues:

a. Dues are due and payable at the October meeting for the following year.
Any member that hasn't paid his dues by the November meeting will be removed from membership
and must re-apply and fish a guest tournament.
b. Active Member Dues: $40.00 per year.
c. Inactive Membership: $20.00 per year.
d. Dues are prorated on a quarterly basis for joining members.
e. Dues for Fisherman of the Year will be paid by the club.
f. Secretary dues will be paid by the club.

Tournament Rules:

15. Points for each tournament and monthly meeting will count toward the Fisherman of the Year Award in October.

1. The President is responsible for selecting a panel to prepare the Annual Awards Banquet Trophies/Plaques
(for the top 6 fisherman) will be purchased from the club treasury with funds that are reserved for this purpose.

Article III Officers and Elections

Change section a. to read:

Presides over all meetings and directs all official business; Appoints and directs all committee functions, serves as the head of E-Board and supervises all club functions. The outgoing President will oversee coordination of the End of Year Awards Banquet.

Jim Bailey
Section 1. Amending the Constitution and by-laws:

The Constitution and By-laws, Tournament Rules and Fish-off may be amended at the regular October meeting by a 2/3 vote of those members present, provided notice of the proposed amendments have been presented to the membership via the September newsletter prior to the October vote.


Proposed 2007 Change
Section 1. Amending the Constitution and by-laws:

The Constitution and By-laws, Tournament Rules and Fish-off may be amended at the regular October meeting by a 2/3 vote of those members present, provided notice of the proposed amendments have been presented to the membership via the September newsletter prior to the October vote.
Members that have participated in less than six tournaments will be barred from voting in said year and will not be counted as part of the 2/3 vote.


Older members that do not take part in club functions or new members that have just joined do not know the needs of the club as well as the ones that have participated.

Jim Bailey
Section 1. Meeting, Parliamentary Procedure:

a. Meetings will be held the third Wednesday of each month.

Proposed 2007 Change
Section 1. Meeting, Parliamentary Procedure:

a. Meetings will be held the first Wednesday of each month.


To many problems have arrived in scheduling and rescheduling of tournaments and events since we changed to the third week meeting time.
Hardly anyone fishes tournaments during Thanksgiving and Christmas because of the late tournament dates.

Kevin Simmons
Add new article and section to the Constitution as follows:

Article VII. Treasury

Section 1.
All dues will be designated to the general treasury.

Section 2.
One fourth of a members monthly tournament fee will be designated to a funding line to be used exclusively for the annual fish-off pot.
(This would essentially move existing Tournament Rule #2 and delete it from the Tournament Rules section.)

Section 3.
After the September tournament the E-Board will meet to review the club treasury. They will set aside enough money from the general fund to pay all existing expenses, and anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year to include banquet and awards for year end. To those anticipated expenses they will add a $150.00 budget allowance to maintain in the club treasury. All remaining moneys will then be added to the "Fishoff pot".
(This would move Fish-off Rule 4 and delete it from the Fish-off Rules section.)

This places all rules on how the treasury is handled in one place instead of in several places.

Kevin Simmons
Add a new section to the Constitution.
Article VII, Section 4

If the above proposal passes, then add as Article VII, Section 4. If the above fails, then add under a new article and section of the Constitution.

Section will read: Unless otherwise specifically designated for the general treasury or annual fish-off pot, all profits generated through special fund raising efforts (e.g. 50/50 draws, raffle ticket sales and auctions) will be designated to a funding line to be used exclusively for club functions, bereavement and congratulatory gifts. If the funding line exceeds $400 at the end of the fishing year, the excess funds will be applied to the general fund; otherwise, the funding line balance will be carried to the next fishing year treasury and not included in the normal end of year purge.

Approval of this amendment would require a rewording of Fish-off Rule #4; propose it to read:

4. There will be two pay outs in the October tournament. The regular club tournament and a "Fishoff" pay out which will include all moneys in the fishoff funding line and a draw down of the club treasury as follows:

After the September tournament the E-Board will meet to review the club treasury. They will set aside the special function funding line (not to exceed $400) and money from the general fund to pay all existing expenses and anticipated expenses for the remainder of the year to include banquet and awards for year end. To those anticipated expenses they will add a $150.00 budget allowance to maintain in the club treasury. All remaining moneys will then be added to the "Fishoff pot".

Ensures money for club functions, bereavement and congratulatory gifts.

Mack Cramer
Proposed Tournament Rule Change 15

15. Points for each tournament and monthly meeting will count toward the Fisherman of the Year Award in October. Points will be accrued as follows:
1. 2 points for attending the monthly meeting.
2. 3 points will be awarded to any contestant that showed up and fished the tournament regardless if he has to leave early or showed up late at the weigh in.
3. 6 points for both days of a two day tournament.
4. 1 point for wearing a Hawg Hunter shirt and hat in at least one day of a tournament.
5. 15 points for 1st place, 14 for 2nd, 13 for 3rd, 12 for 4th, 11 for 5th, 10 for 6th, 9 for 7th, 8 for 8th, 7 for 9th, 6 for 10th, 5 for 11th, 4 for 12th, 3 for 13th, 2 for 14th, 1 for 15th.
Any member with a legal keeper fish will receive one point.

Proposed Change:
Omit number 4


As demonstrated in the last tournaments and other tournaments in the past, the wearing of the hat and shirt has become at best a joke.
Several members only put their shirt and hat on for the weigh-in. There are members who wear their shirt and hat all day long receive the same amount of points as those who merely hold their shirt up in front of them and get credit. Making the shirt and hat an option to new member's I think will cause those that purchase them, to wear them. Its obvious making them purchase a shirt and hat and awarding points does not.

Tournament Rules
Proposed by Ken Repine

5.Partners will be chosen by random draw conducted by the Tournament Director. Members not present at the meeting will be placed in the Non-Boater category. It is each man's responsibility to notify both the Tournament Director and his partner if he is unable to participate, giving as much advance notice as possible. Each boat will contain two contestants. However, a club member will be allowed to fish alone if pairing of two club members would not allow a potential member to fish his guest tournament, or an odd number of participants exists.

Suggested change:

Partners will be chosen by random draw conducted by the Tournament Director. Members not present at the meeting will be placed in the Non-Boater category. It is each man's responsibility to notify both the Tournament Director and his partner if he is unable to participate, giving as much advance notice as possible. Each boat will contain two contestants. However, a club member will be allowed to fish alone if pairing of two club members would not allow a potential member to fish his guest tournament, or an odd number of participants exists.
a. When there are more non-boaters than boaters tournament director can, at his discretion, place the member not attending
The meeting in the boater category. This should only be used after polling the non- boaters present to see if any of those, who own boats, wish to change from a non boater to a boater. If after polling members who have boats and still the number of non boaters are more than the present boaters then the tournament director shall be permitted to allow a member ( not in attendance at the meeting to become a boater.
If there are more than 1 boater not present at the meeting and it is known that they will be fishing then that boater vacancy will be chosen by random draw.

The purpose behind placing a member in a non-boater category was to prevent someone from not attending
The meeting and still being assured of being a boater. While this is quite fair it has its drawbacks. This was evident in the February 2006 meeting when had this rule been strictly enforced it would have prevented several non boaters
From fishing or place 3 in boats which isn't fair to those it would have effected. The suggestion I am proposing, in my opinion
Will serve the same purpose and yet not penalize anyone by either having to drop out or fish 3 to a boat.

Ken Repine
Proposal to become # 16 with all others being moved down one number

Said Proposal:

Most Improved Angler ( Fisherman of the year )

Minimum requirement for said award would be one ( 1 ) year as an active member in the Hawg Hunter Bass Club.

The recipient of this award would be judged by:
A. The total weight of fish caught in the fishing year compared to the previous year.
B. Total fish caught in the fishing year compared to the previous year.
C. Improvement in standing from previous year.
D. Each category will be based on a point system for each of the three categories.
a. 10 points-1 st
b. 9 points- 2 nd
c. 8 points- 3 rd
d. 7 points- 4 th
e. 6 points- 5 th
f. 5 points- 6 th
g. 4 points- 7 th
h. 3 points- 8 th
i. 2 points- 9 th
j. 1 point- 10 th and all others
The weighting factors as to a situation where a person/persons under consideration for this award have not fished the same numbers of tournaments as others also considered for this award will be determine by the e-board and placed in the SOP.
The winner will be determined by the total accumulated points.
Tie breakers 1. Largest 2 day stringer
2. Largest single day stringer


To create an obtainable award for all members of the club regardless of how long they have been a member since the only requirement for being eligible is to be an active member of the Hawg Hunter=s Bass Club for a minimum of one (1 ) year. Having this award will promote the desire to improve with a very obtainable goal. A goal other than angler ( fisherman ) of year or finishing in the top six places.
That obtainable goal could very easily develop
into the once seemingly unattainable goal, finishing in the top six ( 6) or even angler ( fisherman of year ) not so far out of the realm of possibility.

Last part of the Purpose from our constitution:
A to improve our skills as bass anglers through fellowship of friendly exchange of bass catching techniques and ideas, and to promote and encourage youth fishing and a love for this great recreation@.

Fish off Eligibility
Proposed by Ken Repine

No member will be allowed to participate in the "Fish-Off" without having participated in at least (6) of the previous (12) tournaments (current fish-off does not count in the previous 12 tournaments).
All members eligible to participate and participating in the "Fish-Off" must make, or have made "Fish-Off" contributions equivalent to a minimum of twelve (12) tournaments.


Change in at least 6 to at least 8. I feel that requiring 8 instead of just 6 is quite fair to all. The requiring only 6 is in many ways unfair to those who participate actively in the club. While being active is a choice (commitment). This only ups the requirement from ½ to 2/3rds.
This still leaves room for emergency situations that take priority.

Jim Bailey
Tournament Rule: Rule #22

Members in good standing shall be allowed to bring a guest to one tournament each year. A guest is defined as a non-potential member.
The guest name will be included in the draw and will fish as a non-boater. The guest may only participate in the big fish pot.
The guest will share the boaters expenses just as our non-boaters do.

Proposed 2007 Change
Tournament Rule: Rule #22.

A Member in good standing shall be allowed to bring a guest to one tournament each year and fish with said guest.
A guest is defined as a non-potential member or family member.

The guest may only participate in the big fish pot. In the event a club member can not be seated this rule will not apply to said tournament.
The guest will share the boater expenses just as our non-boaters do.
Once the tournament is set, the club will not be responsible for any member expenses if guest does not show up but will count as the members one guest tournament for the year.


In most cases a non-potential member or family member would rather fish with the one that brought him to the tournament.

Proposal by Ron Fairbanks

Set up Club Classic for Teamwork and Camaraderie

I PROPOSE THE TOURNAMENT YEAR BE MADE UP OF 11 TOURNAMENTS AND IN THE PLACE OF THE 12TH EVENT, A TEAM CLASSIC IS SET FOR THE FOLLOWING APRIL OR MONTH SELECTED BY E-BOARD. The Classic is a fun tournament and will not qualify as a normal point's event. The top 3 anglers from the prior years trail will be team captains and select their teams based on team A, B and C in succession until all members are selected. This draw will be held the month prior to the Classic, thus selection in March for an April Classic. Teams will then fish a 2 day event on 2 lakes in proximity such as Lay and Mitchell, Claiborne and Millers Ferry, etc. Half of each team will fish each lake and trade places on day 2 of the tournament. Starting places and lakes will be determined evenly by draw. Tournament will be 2 per boat unless uneven number. Singles on each team will be determined by captain and will go alone one day and be paired the next. Captains decide whose boat to use when 2 boaters are paired together.

The month prior to the classic when we draw, boaters and non boaters declare in advance and stand in 2 groups (boater and non boater). The captains select teams starting with the prior years Angler of the Year, then runner up, then 3rd and if there are 6 non boaters, each team must select 2, if 5 non boaters, the team who picks 1st and 2nd must take 2 non boaters, team 3 has a lone boater. IN case of odd numbers of anglers per team, each team will use the highest weight of their anglers based on the team with the lowest # of members. In case of 2 teams with 6 and 1 team with 5, each team will weigh in the 5 highest weights each day to determine total weight and overall winner. The team with the highest overall weight for the two days is the winner. (Awards to be determined by E-Board)


This type of tournament is the only one we have that truly uses teamwork and strategy to succeed. It is generally won by the team that shares and works the best together, not necessarily the best fishermen. It is a lot of fun and there is a sense of fun competition that is missing in our other tournaments. It also recognizes the top 3 prior year anglers by allowing them to be team captains, to select their teams and set the strategy for the tournament. This was always the tournament that we looked forward to each year and was the most fun.
The E-board can set tournament rules as they desire.