Page 1 Offical Newsletter of the Pensacola Hawg Hunters |
Volume: 3 |
Fred Raby Fisherman of the Year 1999 |
September 2000 |
Minutes of the Meeting: The September 2000 meeting of the Pensacola Hawg Hunters was brought to order at 7:00 p.m. on September 20, 2000. The meeting was held at the Seafood Shanty on Hwy 29 and was presided over by President Jack Maher. There were 28 members present. President Old Business: The Family outing is going to be held on October 1st at 1:00 p.m. at the Blue Angle Recreational Area Picnic Area 2. The Pensacola Hawg Hunter's Newsletter is now being put on the Hook1 website owned by Jim Bailey. |
New Business: Mark O'Brien wants to cover a club tournament from start to finish. And do an article on it. Jim Bolleter and Bob Hanson have become inactive members. There were the following nominations for the E-Board: President Vice President/Treasure Secretary Tournament Director Assistant Tournament Director September Tournament: |
September Tournament: The tournament director and his partner were patiently waiting on the water swatting at mosquitos as the last of the tournament participants arrived. Brian Metcalf and Dwayne Mills were the heavy favorites going into the weekend because of all the prefishing that each of them had done. The weatherman called for scattered thunderstorms with temperatures in the low to mid 90's. As safe daylight neared; the anticipation level of the 8 Hawg Hunters present was getting higher and higher. Once it was safe to blast off the tournament director sent everyone on their way. All 4 boats headed into "Junkyard Ditch" in search of the famous Louisiana "Green Trout". After the morning bite was over, everyone was checking with each other to see what would be going to the scales later. As the tournament director opened the scales at 4 pm and started weighing fish, there were a lot of heads that were hanging low. Mike Tyson and Paul Sullivan were having problems with their trolling motor switch. |
Page 2 Offical Newsletter Pensacola Hawg Hunters |
(Continued From Page 1) Fish Weight At the start of day 2 everyone knew what had to be done in order to show a good finish. Mike and Paul had more problems as the day went on, the batteries on Mike's boat went dead and they couldn't do much fishing so they headed in, but not until "Sully" had brought in a career best of 4 fish and 3 for Mike. Mack Cramer knew he had to redeem himself on day 2 and he did by ending the day culling 1 fish. Lee was on a mission and he wasn't going to let Neil head to the scales until he had a limit. Dwayne Mills also had to bring in a good limit to get ahead of Dave Dyess who was only a tenth of a pound ahead. Once the scales opened there were 34 fish weighed in at 56.25 lbs with 5 limits.Lee Brannon had the heaviest bag of fish weighing in at 9.60 lbs and also had the lunker for day 2 weighing in at 3.40 lbs. |
The Results Of Day 2 Were:
Fish Weight: Once the scales were closed the weights were added up, double and triple checked and congratulations are in order for Brian Metcalf who barely came home with the win. Brian went to one of his holes and culled 6 fish to hold on to his lead. Lee Brannon made a strong surge on day 2, but just didn't have enough because of his one dead fish on Saturday. Dwayne Mills ended day 2 culling 3 fish and had enough to move into the third place. Great fishing to everyone. It was the most enjoyable two day tournament that all involved have had. Most fish were caught in less than 2 foot of water all weekend. Next month the Hawg Hunters will be headed to Miller's Ferry to fish their last tournament of the 2000 fishing season and their "Fish-Off" SEPTEMBER MEETING: Location: Seafood Shanty OCTOBER TOURNAMENT: From the Daily Planner: |
Peak Fishing Times: October 21st October 22nd Sunrise Sunset: Tournament Results: For The Record: Delacroix, Louisiana: Total Fish Caught 53 For the Year: Total Fish Caught 553 Total Fish Weight 856.75 Hawg Hunters that are eligible to fish in the Fish-Off and how many tournaments they must make contributions for are as follows: |
Page 3 Offical Newsletter Pensacola Hawg Hunters |
Constitutional Rule Changes
There were 14 changes that were submitted and discussed for Constitutional
By-Law or Tournament Rule changes.
They are as follows:
ARTICLE III, Section 7, add "b" to read;
Only member who have served on the E-Board in some capacity in the past shall be allowed to run or be nominated for the office of President.
ARTICLE II, Section 1, f
Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of all dues including hat and shirt. Existing members will have until January 19, 2000 to meet this rule. No member will be allowed to participate after this date until rule is met.
(Change to read as follows:)
Full membership shall be awarded upon payment of all dues including hat and shirt.
ARTICLE II, Section 2, b
Members failing to attend one half of annual club functions or failing to attend six consecutive club functions without notice will result in removal from membership.
(Change to read as follows:)
Member failing to attend one half of annual club functions or failing to attend six consecutive club functions without notice to an E- Board member will result in removal from membership.
ARTICLE II, Section 2, b
Members failing to attend one half of annual club functions or failing to attend six consecutive club functions without notice will result in removal from membership.
(Change to be made:)
Though out rule that says a paid member can be thrown out due to lack of participation of 6 functions.
ARTICLE 1, Section 1 Name and Affiliation with B.A.S.S.
(Change to be made:)
Drop B.A.S.S affiliation and remove all wording from Constitution pertaining to B.A.S.S
ARTICLE 1, Section 1, d
Maintain 100% B.A.S.S. membership, both active and inactive members.
(Change to be made:)
Let individual members who want to remain part of the Federation pay their own dues.
Tournament Rules
5 Partners will be chosen by the Tournament Director. It is each man's responsibility to notify both the Tournament Director and his partner if he is unable to participate, giving as much advance notice as possible. Each boat will contain two contestants. However, a club member will be allowed to fish alone if pairing of two club members would not allow a potential member to fish his guest tournament, or an odd number of participants exists.
(Change to be made:)
After all non-boaters have been paired , give the remaining boaters the option of fishing alone. Boaters may not pair up after the assignments at the meeting. If a boater is not able to fish after the non-boaters have been paired, the first boater who elected to fish alone will replace the original boater.
Tournament Rules, 15, e
15 points for 1st place, 14 for 2nd, 13 for 3rd, 12 for 4th, 11 for 5th, 10 for 6th, 9 for 7th, 8 for 8th, 7 for 9th, 6 for 10th, 5 for 11th, 4 for 12th, 3 for 13th, 2 for 14th, 1 for 15th.
(Change to be made:)
1st place shall receive points equal to the number of club members that are fishing that particular club tournament, with a minimum of 15 points being awarded to first place if there are less than 15 club members fishing. Preceding places will be awarded the points in succession. (Example: 18 members fished, 18 points for 1st, 17 for 2nd, 16 for 3rd, 15 for 4th, 14 for 5th, 13 for 6th, 12 for 7th, 11 for 8th, 10 for 9th, 9 for 10th, 8 for 11th, 7 for 12th, 6 for 13th, 5 for 14th, 4 for 15th, 3 for 16th, 2 for 17th, 1 for 18th.)
Tournament Rules
Add #23 to read;
Members in good standing shall be allowed to bring a guest to one tournament each year.
A guest is defined as a non- potential member. The guests name will be included in the draw and will fish as a non-boater. The guest may only participate in the big fish pot.
The guest will share the boaters expenses just as our non- boaters do.
Tournament Rules
(Change to be made:)
Summer season tournaments shall have a weigh in time of 2:00 p.m. for the months of June, July and August. All two day tournaments will have a weigh in at 2:00 p.m. on the second day.
Tournament Rules
(Change to be made:)
Add #23 No alcoholic beverages or other mind altering substances are allowed in any boat, or shall be used prior to , or during any club tournament.
Tournament Rules #16
Any protest must be filed within 15 minutes of the closing of the scales to the weigh master or any officer present. Protests will be arbitrated by the club officials present, provided none is involved in the protest. All decisions are final.
(Change to read:)
Any protest must be submitted to the Tournament Director or any officer present in writing up to but not exceeding fifteen (15) minutes after closing of the scales. Verbally submitted protests will be ignored and all protests submitted after the fifteen minute time limit will be ignored. All decisions are final.
Fish- off Tournament
In order to qualify for the "Fish-Off" a member will have participated in or made "fish-off" contributions equivalent to a minimum of 10 tournaments.
#6 No member will be allowed to participate in the fish-off without having participated in at least six (6) of the previous (12) tournaments.
(Change to read:)
No member will be allowed to participate in the fish- off without having participated in at least six (6) of the previous (12) tournaments (current fish-off does not count in the previous 12 tournaments). All members eligible to participate and participating in the fish-off must make, or have made fish-off contributions equivalent to a minimum of ten (10) tournaments.
Constitution and By-Laws
(Change to be made:)
Throw away the whole damn constitution, By-Laws and Fish- Off Rules.
Boating / Fishing Tips:
Most boat drain holes are an inch or more higher than the bottom of the boat, hence some water remains inside. Try cutting a towel into foot-long strips about 2" wide. Stuff one of the strips into the drain about halfway leaving the other half hanging out. The towel will act as a siphon and remove the rest of the water. Attach a piece of foam pipe insulation to the boat seat pedestal using plastic cable ties. Cut the insulation down the middle lengthwise and just fit over the pedestal, then fasten with cable ties. You'll find your hooks and lures much easier to reach when you are in a hurry. Even the sharpest scissors often will fray braided lines. Pet nail cutters slice cleanly through braided line and are safe to use. To better organize your tackle box, use different size safety pins to hold your split rings, spinner blades, hooks, swivels, etc. You will never have to look for loose stuff again if you practice this method. Next time you have a problem with that fishy smell emanating from your body, don't fret. Try washing your hands with toothpaste and hot water. Works every time. Once you fix a backlash, the twisted segment continues to re- twist and cause more backlashes. Try taking a small piece (2" - 3") of soft plastic worm or craw and pinch it around the damaged line. Now rub back and forth on the damaged part of the line. This will straighten the twist, stopping further problems. It works especially well with baitcasting reels. To cleanse the cork on your favorite rod after the openings in the cork are filled with dirt and oils, simply add a small amount of bleach to hot water and scrub the handle using a toothbrush. The cork will look like new and the grip will be easier to handle and less slippery when casting. Please get another brush for your teeth.
Don't use the same brush for your teeth unless you're into that kind of stuff. Place a 1" wide strip of rubber band between the reel and reel seat. Now tighten the reel as you normally would. The strip of rubber band acts as a shim and a cushion, and this prevents the reel from shifting. Reel real tight now? Take a small disposable foam earplug
(like shooters use) and thread onto hook until the plug covers the eyelet.
Now rig your worm Carolina style and you will notice that the worm or lizard will stay up in the strike zone longer and produce more strikes. Because it floats, get it?
Page 4 Offical Newsletter Pensacola Hawg Hunters |
Tournament Winner Brian Metcalf 10Fish 16.00 lbs. |
Big Fish Of The Year Neil Springstead 5.10 lbs. |
Tournament Big Fish Lee Brannon 3.40 lbs. |
Standings Year 2000 |
Name |
Total Fish Year 2000 |
Total Fish Weight 2000 |
Meeting Points | Tournament Points | Hat/Shirt Points | Fishing Points | Total Points |
1 | Brian Metcalf | 52 | 87.70 | 22 | 39 | 10 | 117.5 | 188.5 |
2 | Dave Dyess |
38 | 56.70 | 20 | 39 | 10 | 91 | 160 |
3 | Mack Cramer | 31 | 51.35 | 20 | 42 | 11 | 83 | 156 |
4 | Neil Springstead | 21 | 39.90 | 22 | 42 | 11 | 75.5 | 150.5 |
5 | Lee Brannon | 28 | 51.20 | 22 | 42 | 11 | 62 | 137 |
6 | Dwayne Mills | 29 | 46.25 | 22 | 42 | 11 | 58.5 | 133.5 |
7 | Mike Tyson | 24 | 42.45 | 20 | 39 | 10 | 56.5 | 125.5 |
8 | John Buck |
23 | 34.50 | 22 | 33 | 9 | 59 | 123 |
9 | Fred Raby | 23 | 33.95 | 20 | 33 | 9 | 54.5 | 116.5 |
10 | Rich Cornelius | 26 | 39.85 | 16 | 24 | 6 | 69 | 115 |
11 | Mitch Gardner | 21 | 29.00 | 16 | 24 | 6 | 60.5 | 106.5 |
12 | Jim Bailey Sr |
21 | 25.10 | 22 | 33 | 9 | 37 | 101 |
13 | Rich Renner | 18 | 26.70 | 18 | 33 | 6 | 43 | 100 |
14 | Pete Potter | 15 | 22.85 | 20 | 30 | 9 | 40 | 99 |
15 | Jere Jaillite |
19 | 25.45 | 22 | 27 | 8 | 36.5 | 93.5 |
16 | Wally Cassiano |
14 | 21.95 | 20 | 27 | 8 | 36 | 91 |
17 | Jack Maher | 10 | 17.30 | 22 | 30 | 8 | 28 | 88 |
18 | Cliff Armstrong | 10 | 16.20 | 22 | 36 | 10 | 10.5 | 78.5 |
19 | Jeff Weaver | 14 | 18.00 | 12 | 33 | 6 | 27 | 78 |
20 | Randy Cole | 15 | 21.30 | 20 | 24 | 6 | 27.5 | 77.5 |
21 | Paul Sullivan | 10 | 16.70 | 12 | 30 | 7 | 21 | 70 |
22 | Kevin Simmons | 10 | 14.35 | 16 | 21 | 6 | 21 | 64 |
23 | Terry Smith | 12 | 14.65 | 12 | 18 | 5 | 18 | 53 |
24 | Frank Kelly | 8 | 11.40 | 14 | 18 | 6 | 14.5 | 52.5 |
25 | Jim Bray |
8 | 10.60 | 18 | 15 | 5 | 13 | 51 |
26 | Don Jahnke | 12 | 16.30 | 10 | 12 | 4 | 24 | 50 |
27 | John Schaeff | 6 | 9.35 | 20 | 12 | 3 | 10 | 45 |
28 | David Powell | 5 | 7.80 | 12 | 12 | 4 | 13.5 | 41.5 |
29 |
Stacy Blackburn |
9 | 13.20 | 12 | 9 | 3 | 14.5 | 38.5 |
30 | Stan Wright | 1 | 1.35 | 16 | 15 | 5 | 2 | 38 |
31 | Jim Bolleter | 7 | 12.70 | 2 | 9 | 3 | 21 | 35 |
32 | Jim Bailey Jr |
5 | 8.55 | 6 | 9 | 2 | 16 | 33 |
33 | Bob Hanson | 4 | 6.60 | 2 | 15 | 3 | 6 | 26 |
34 | Tony Boyette | 2 | 2.70 | 12 | 6 | 0 | 4 | 22 |
35 | Charles Cetti | 2 | 2.80 | 14 | 6 | 2 | 0 | 22 |
36 | Drew Brown | 0 | 0 | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 8 |